What do u think about the Cherokee Removal?

The New York Times - Breaking News

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Racial Profiling and the Japanese Internment

From: http://memory.loc.gov/pnp/ppprs/00200/00200v.jpg
Racial profiling is the act of someone judging you because of your race. The government uses racial profiling to arrest people of certain races just because the government thinks that they are going to do the same thing that other people of their race have done. I think that racial profiling is not uber. It is not the right thing to do. One of the most serious cases of racial profiling was the Japanese Internment. It was a period of time right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The government decided to send all Japanese-Americans to internment camps all over the United States. It was a terrible time for the Japanese because they were immediatly evacuated from their homes and had to leave most of their belongings behind. The government used racial profiling ont hese people just becaus ethey were at war with the Japanese and the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. The picture above is of one of the Japanese internment camps. This particular camp is called Manzanar. It was not a nice place but it wasn't the worst of them all. As you can see, it was not fair for the Japanese to have to go to these camps. While they were in these camps (sometimes for years) their belongings and other valuable things were either stolen or confiscated. That is what I think about racial profiling and the Japanese-Internment.


Tyler said...

I agree with you 100 percent. It was not right for the United States Federal government to hold the Japanese-Americans in the Internment camps just because the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. The government definitely violated the Japanese-Americans' Constitutional rights. They were held inside these Internment camps against their will. That was not right. Your blog post on this particular subject explained everything there is to explain about racial profiling. Good job.

cassie said...

Yes, racial profiling was bad for the japenese, but not only for them. Racial profiling is sadly an active act today as well as back then. Today it's happening with a different group, people from the middle east. After all this time you would think that we would know better than to do this unfair thing to all these innocent people, but we haven't. We need to raise awareness about this problem and do something about it.

Tyler said...

I forgot to tell you: UBER!