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The New York Times - Breaking News

Friday, June 27, 2008

AG Summer Institute Thank You Letter

Dear person in charge,

My name is Justin Bohner. I just want to say thank you for raising the money for us to be able to come to this fun Summer Institute. To tell you the truth, I really didn't want to come here at first. But after the first day I was already having a blast. My mom laughed at me and said "I told you so." It was actually kind of funny. Never mind that, I still just want to say thank you for setting this up so that us kids had something to do over these boring days of the summer. Mr.DeVille and Mrs.Powell are the best teachers you could have asked to do something like this. It has been real fun and I hope you do it again next year. I will be a rising freshman but I still want it for the others who are going into 7th and 8th. I also want to thank you for supplying us with the jump drives and "Farewell to Manzanar" books. That was very generous. I will most likely be using the jump drive a lot over the summer and in 9th grade.


Justin Bohner

1 comment:

samantha said...

i think you oughta look at this website